Everything Dough(15)....Crispy Bun . 萬用麵糰之十五....脆皮豬仔包

 Everything Dough(15)....Crispy Buns

I love my everything dough, with a little imagination, you could turn it into different types of bread and bun.  Sometimes we make crispy buns and sometimes we make soft butter buns, using the same dough recipe, same folding and shaping techniques, and same scoring method, the only difference is the oven temperature, and a little trick which I tell you next time when I share with you the soft butter buns.

Let's see what my helper made, the crispy buns....

Baking Method:
Preheat oven at 250C. Shape dough into 8 short baguettes. Score buns one by one with a lame or sharp knife slanting at 30 degree, stuff a very thin slice of butter along the cut, spray water towards the buns from distance. Bake at 180C for approx. 15 minutes.

Suggested Amount of Butter Insert:
5mm x 2mm x 90mm approx., depending the length of the cut

我愛透我的萬用麵糰食譜,只需要一點點想像力,就可以將它變成不同類型的包點。 我家常用它來做脆皮豬仔包和酥軟牛油豬仔包;用相同的麵糰配方,相同的折疊和造形技巧,以及相同的割包方法,唯一的區別是烤箱溫度,以及一點小技巧;想知道嗎? 好,我下次分享酥軟牛油豬仔包時再告訴你。

預熱烤箱 250C。把麵糰造型成8個豬仔包,用刀斜側30度在包面隨意割一直刀,割口放入極薄一小條牛油,入爐前向包離遠噴水,入爐,調低至180C,烤約15分鐘。

建議切口牛油用量:约5mm x 2mm x 90mm,視乎切口長短
