Yummy Fried Chili and Preserved Radish . 惹味辣炒菜脯

 Yummy Fried Chili and Preserved Radish
The best Fried Chili and Preserved Radish is always from home. I fried 4 portions last night and added different of hot chili peppers into each portion, and they all turned out very delicious. I could not help eating by adding it into the rice noodles and with sliced bread....Oooh, yum.


Yummy Fried Chili and Preserved Radish

Preserved Radish 200g
Dried Shrimp  50g
Small Dried Shrimp 30g
Garlic, whole  1 pc
Shallot    3 pc
Hot Chili  to your taste (5 pc for mild chili, 10 pc for medium chili, 20 pc for very chili, 30 pc for super chili)
Oil  3 tbsp (add extra as you like)

Sugar 1-1/2 tbsp
Oyster Sauce 1/2 tbsp
Light Sauce 1 tsp
Dark Sauce 1 tsp
Chicken Powder 1/2 tsp

Sesame Oil 1 tbsp

1. Wash and soak preserved radish for 5 minutes, soak longer if it is very salty, then pat dry. 
2. Pat radish to loosen the fiber, and chop fine by hand or food processor
3. Wash and soak dried shrimps for 10 minutes and small dried shrimps 2 minutes, and pat dry; then chop the dried shrimps fine and leave small dried shrimps as they are
4. skinned garlic and shallots,wash hot chili, pat dry and chop all
5. Fry preserved radish, dried shrimps and small dried shrimps separately in a dry wok till dry and fragrant, dish up
6. Heat up 3 spoons of oil till hot and fry garlic, shallot and hot chili till fragrant
7. add in seasonings except sesame oil, then preserved radish, dried shrimps and small shrimps, toss well, stir and fry for 10 minutes, add extra oil as you like; sprinkle in sesame oil, dish up. Let dry and keep in an air-tight bottle.

Cooking Tips:
1. Season to your taste. The seasonings listed are for the home-preserved radish that I made which is not very salty
2. Soak the store-bought preserved radish for a bit longer time as it usually has a pungent odor.
3. Fry radish in a dry wok could bring out the hidden flavor same as for dried shrimps and small dried shrimps


菜脯 200g
乾蝦  50g
蝦皮  30g
蒜頭,整個  1pc
紅蔥頭  3 pc
朝天椒  隨意 (我的辣度:小辣用5 pc, 中辣用10pc,大辣 20 pc,
                                 勁辣 30 pc)

糖 1- 1/2 tbsp
蠔油  1/2 tbsp
生抽  1 tsp
老抽  1 tsp
雞粉  1/2 tsp

麻油  1 tbsp

1.  洗淨菜脯及浸泡5分鐘,外買菜脯可多浸泡一會,抹乾
2.  用刀拍鬆菜脯,用刀或食物處理器切碎
3.  乾蝦洗淨浸泡10分鐘,蝦皮略冲後浸泡2分鐘,抹乾; 然後將乾蝦切碎,蝦皮免切
4.  蒜頭,紅蔥頭去衣,朝天椒洗淨,抹乾,全部切碎
5.  把菜脯,乾蝦和蝦皮分別放入鍋中,乾炒至乾及帶濃香,取起備用
6.  同鍋燒熱3湯匙油,炒香蒜茸,紅蔥茸和辣椒碎至香
7.  除麻油外,混和所有調味,放入鍋中,拌勻,菜脯碎,乾蝦碎和蝦皮回鍋,拌炒10分鐘,可隨意加油炒; 灑上麻油,上碟待涼。涼後入已消毒瓶子保存

1. 根據自己口味調味。列出的調味料是配對我自家製菜脯
2. 外買的菜脯通常較咸,要多浸泡一會以去咸味及脢味。
3. 菜脯、乾蝦和蝦皮要用乾鍋炒過才可帶出香味
