Everything Dough (7).... Deep-Fried Dough Stick/yóutiáo . 萬用麵糰之七....炸油條

 Everything Dough (7).... Deep-Fried Dough Stick/yóutiáo

I do not eat deep-fried dough stick/yóutiáo that often, but I like it. It is very delicious when taking with freshly-made hot soy milk or plain congee, I considered it a perfect match. I found a great congee shop in Vancouver last year, where the yóutiáo was very tasty, which met my taste with crispy outside and soft inside. Good yóutiáo are not easy to find. Many of them are very greasy, they are crunchy not crispy, and the inside is hollow.

I have tried three different ways by using this everything dough for making yóutiáo: Sponge-Dough Method, Autolyse, and No yeast. I like the autolyse method better as it is easy and no need to divide the ingredients into different portions, so I am going to share this method here. You could use the same method with or without yeast, just do it to your taste.

Making yóutiáo at home is not difficult especially with this everything dough recipe, it is very versatile.

我雖不經常吃油,但也愛吃。 油條配新鮮豆漿或白粥都很美味,可以說是絕配。 我去年在溫哥華找到了一家很棒的粥店,那裡的油條正好達我要求:外面酥脆,內里鬆軟。 好的油條並不好找,很多時上的都挺油膩,而且外皮空有硬脆而不酥香,裡邊空空洞洞的。

我試用了三種不同方法,配合萬用麵糰做油條,方法有中種法水合法和無酵母。 其實中種法和水合法做的油條口感都很好,都外脆內軟,只是水合法更簡單,不用把材料分成不同比例,所以我在這分享這種方法。 至於用不用酵母則可根據自己口味取捨。


                                                 Inside Texture 
Autolyse and No Yeast
Use Yeast and Sponge-Dough Method
Use yeast and Autolyse

Everything Dough (7).... Deep-Fried Dough Stick/yóutiáo

Makes 6 Regular-sized Dough sticks or 12 half-sized/Mini


Everything Dough       

Bread Flour  250g

Cake Flour     50g

Fresh Yeast    12g (Or Instant Yeast 4g or None)

Sugar   10g

Salt       4g (could be increased to 6g)

Oil         2 tbsp

Water 170-190 ml (Suggest to use 190ml)

Added to the Everything Dough(for better result)
Baking Powder  2g (Aluminium Free)
Baking Soda 2g

1. Put all the ingredients except yeast, salt, oil in a big bowl, slightly mix and knead into a dough, cover for autolyse for 40 minutes
2. knead in yeast by hand or stand mixer, then salt and oil into a soft dough, put it into a bowl, cover and put in the fridge overnight
3. Take the dough out and return to room temperature. Slightly release out the air and divide it into 2 portions, roll each portion into a sheet about 5 mm thick and 10 cm wide. Cut the sheet into dough stick of 10cm x 2.5cm; then pile two dough sticks together and slightly make a crease lengthwise in the centre to press two layers together and cut open at two ends
4. Heat up a wok with decent amount of oil over medium high heat to 170C
5. Hold the two ends of the dough stick, stretch to double the length or longer, and put it into the oil, keep flipping the dough stick until it expands and turns golden brown.  Do the same for the remaining portions, you could deep-fry a few sticks at the same time depending the size of the wok and the liquid amount
6. For crisper texture, fry the dough sticks twice

Cooking Tips:
1. With yeast, the inside texture of dough sticks is softer and finer crumbs, taste a bit like Deep-Fried Sweet Cruller; Without yeast, the dough sticks are more crispy with open crumbs
2. Baking powder and baking soda make dough expand quickly when deep-frying, and to make dough sticks more puffy and crispy
3. For those who do not want to dispose an excessive amount of cooking oil, you could use a small cooking pot with less oil for deep frying. Just make the half-sized dough sticks and use  a 16cm round flat bottom cooking pot, you do not need much oil for that and the leftover oil could be used for daily cooking within a week
4. If making 6 regular-sized dough sticks are too much for you, you may divide the dough into 2 or 3 portions after Step 2, follow the steps from No. 3 for the portion you want to fry, then wrap and freeze the unused portions until you want it.
5. Testing through this recipe for yóutiáo, I have developed a very yummy bread from the same dough, will share soon


做 6 條標準尺寸油條 或  12條迷你的(即一半長度)


高粉  250g
低粉   50g
鮮酵   12g (或速酵 4g 或免酵母 )
糖      10g
鹽        4g (可加至 6g)
油        2 tbsp
水    170-190ml(建議用190ml)

無鋁泡打粉   2g
食用梳打粉   2g

3.取出麵,回溫。略微釋空氣並將其分成兩份;將每份輕手輾成5mm厚和10cm寬的長方塊切成10cm×2.5cm的麵糰塊; 然後將兩麵糰塊叠上用麵包刮在糰塊正反兩面的中央壓出一條摺痕,兩端開一小口
4. 炸鍋中大火加熱油至170℃
5. 握住麵的兩端,拉伸至兩倍或兩倍長度並將其放入油中,用長竹筷輕手棒直至膨脹及至金黃色,取起可根據炸鍋大小及油量,可同時間炸數條,直至完成所有份量

2. 泡打粉和梳打粉遇熱膨脹,可使油條更加酥脆
3. 如不想浪費大量食油,可做一一半長度的迷你油條,食油用量即可大減;用個 16cm 平底圓鍋最管用,剩油可在一星期內作日常煮食
4. 如果做整個份量嫌太多,可在完成第二步驟後,把麵糰分割,要吃的份量跟步驟 3 至 6 完成,其餘的包好放冰庫冷藏,留到想吃時取出要吃份量回溫,就可現炸現吃了
5. 從今次用萬用麵糰做油條,我再用萬用麵糰做了一種非常好吃的麵包,日後再分享
