Sweet Hakka Cha-Guo with red bean filling . 豆沙餡甜茶果

 Sweet Hakka Cha-Guo with red bean filling . 豆沙餡甜

If you know how make the savory flavored Cha-Guo, making the sweet one will be an easy piece to you. Let's see the recipe of the sweet Hakka Cha-Guo with Red Bean filling......
what a good red bean paste filling should be, smooth is the key word.



Making the Cooked dough. 全熟粉糰做法

Sweet Hakka Cha-Guo with red bean filling


Glutinous Rice Flour 150g
Maltose 35g
Boiling Water 80g
Oil 30g
Salt  a pinch

Banana Leaves, big  1 pc (optional)

Filling: (I used to make a big portion and divided it into small packs and 
             kept them in the freezer, so I have homemade red bean puree                       when needed)
Red Bean 600g
Water 2500ml
Sugar 130g

1. Preparing the filling:
- Clean and soak red bean overnight or at least 4 hours, Add beans and 2500ml water in a pressure cooker and cook for 20 minutes,turn off fire and let stand for 30 minutes, and then pressure cook for another 20 minutes, turn off fire and let stand for 30 minutes again; OR boil in normal pot for one hour, stand for one hour, and then cook for another hour and stand for one more hour again
- Add softened beans and sugar to a food processor and blend till fine and sieve. If a strong blender is used, no sieving need. 
- Keep in the fridge for an hour; then divide it into portions of 30g each, slightly rounded; and keep the rest in the fridge for other recipes. You may cook only 200g red beans for this recipe
2. Heat up a pot of hot water 
3. Sift glutinous rice flour into a big bowl, add in maltose, boiling water, salt and oil, mix in all the ingredients with a pair of long chopsticks, till flaky, then bring it into a dough, and knead briefly
4. Divide the dough into a few pieces and drop all into the hot water and keep boiling till the dough pieces floating up approx. 5 minutes, then transfer the dough pieces into a big bowl and let cool for 5 minutes,  and knead the dough pieces together into a soft dough, cover it and let rest till cool completely
5. Divide the dough into 12 pieces, approx 25g each
6. Cut a small zipper bag open from one side to make two pages, put one small dough piece on one side of a page, then cover with the page, press the dough down using your palm and slightly twist to make it round; then press the edge thin by moving the finger tips or palm around
7. Place one portion of the filling onto the circle (6) and seal the edges to the center and slightly round it, then put the Cha-Guo on a slightly greased banana leaf, do the same for the remaining; and then brush a little oil on top 
8. Steam the Cha-Guo in a steam oven or using a wok for 12 minutes. Serve hot

Cooking Tips:
1. Use complete-boiled dough, glutinous rice wrapper stays soft and chewy; since the dough is cooked, it can shorten the cooking time of Cha-Guo, so it can stand firm.
2. Maltose could keep glutinous rice flour dough from hardening
3. The Red Bean Filling of this recipe is mild sweet, you could add or reduce sugar to your taste



糯米粉 150 g
麥芽糖,先溶 35 g
大熱水  80g
油 30 g
鹽 少許

蕉葉,大 1 塊可免

豆 600g
水  2500ml
黃糖  130g

- 紅洗淨浸泡過夜或最少4小時,用壓力鍋加入2500ml 煮20分鐘 ,熄火焗30分鐘,再煮20分鐘 ,熄火焗30分鐘 或 用一般煮鍋煮一小時,熄火焗一小時,再煮一小時,熄火焗一小時
- 取出豆加入糖用攪拌器攪拌成泥狀,過篩;如用特強攪拌器,也是加糖攪拌,不需過篩也夠滑
- 盛起紅豆餡放冰箱一小時; 然後分成約 30 g 一份,略整圓;其餘放冰箱備用。如做一份,可煮200g 紅豆
2. 燒熱一鍋水
3. 將糯米粉過篩,倒入大碗中,加入麥芽糖、大熱開水鹽和油,用一雙長筷子拌勻,直至再把粉略搓成
4.將粉糰隨意分成幾塊,全部放入熱水中,煮糰浮起,約 5分鐘,然後將粉糰塊轉到一個大碗中,待涼5分鐘,粉糰軟糰狀,蓋上待至全涼
5.將粉糰分成12  ,每約25克g,揉圓
6.把小號保鮮膠袋從一側剪開如兩頁面,在下方的一頁放上一粉糰,把另一頁蓋在上,用手掌隔頁面按住麵團,稍微轉動輾薄成圓片; 然後指尖或手掌按壓,成中心略厚周邊略薄
7. 打開頁面,把一份餡料放在圓粉糰片(6)四周歸中心收口蕉葉面和茶果面略掃油
8. 把茶果放葉面,用鑊隔水中大火蒸或用蒸爐蒸約 12 分鐘。趁熱


1. 用全熟粉糰茶果外皮會更柔軟和耐嚼(韌);由於麵團熟,可縮短時間,茶果形狀可保持豐滿不塌

2. 麥芽糖可保持糯米粉糰煮後不易變硬
3. 此食譜豆餡是微甜,可根據個人加減糖份
