Developing Your Own Sourdough Starter . 培養自家酸種酵母
Developing Your Own Sourdough Starter . 培養自家酸種酵母
For those who are interested in developing your own sourdough starters from scratch, I have not forgotten you. The reason I do not share the ways earlier because winter time in Hong Kong is not the right season for it especially most of the families here do not have a central heating system indoor.
Having a warm temperature is important to initiating a new starter. Based on my experience on sourdough bread and starter, I noticed that the best temperature for developing a sourdough starter is around 22C to 28C, especially at the beginning. At this range, yeast grows faster and steadier, so now, it is almost time to get everything ready for the starter: Sterilized Jars and spatulas/stirrers, White Bread Flour, Whole Wheat Flour and Rye Bread Flour, as well as Clean Water.
I am not going to do the demonstration day by day here, but I have located a series of good videos produced by a good website (Northwest Sourdough). They have recorded the whole development of sourdough starter from Day 1 to Day 14. Videos include how to develop sourdough starter, how to observe and investigate the starter, how to prepare the bread with sourdough starter, how to fold the dough and shape the bread, how to proof the bread till it came out from the oven. It is very informational. I hope you would enjoy watching the videos like I do; in case you have any questions, please feel free to address to me, I would try my best to answer you as far as possible.
根據我做酸種酵母和麵包的經驗,合適的暖和溫度對培養酸種酵母好重要,而最佳溫度應該介乎22℃至28℃ 左右,尤其是在開首的幾天。在合適溫度下,酵母生長得更快,更穩定; 現在是差不多時候了,請先預備好培養酵母的所需用品:已消毒清潔的瓶罐和拌棒,白麵包粉,全麥麵包粉和黑粿麥麵粉,以及潔淨的水。
我不打算在這裡每天做示範,但卻找到了一個酸種麵包網站(Northwest Sourdough)
For those who are interested in developing your own sourdough starters from scratch, I have not forgotten you. The reason I do not share the ways earlier because winter time in Hong Kong is not the right season for it especially most of the families here do not have a central heating system indoor.
Having a warm temperature is important to initiating a new starter. Based on my experience on sourdough bread and starter, I noticed that the best temperature for developing a sourdough starter is around 22C to 28C, especially at the beginning. At this range, yeast grows faster and steadier, so now, it is almost time to get everything ready for the starter: Sterilized Jars and spatulas/stirrers, White Bread Flour, Whole Wheat Flour and Rye Bread Flour, as well as Clean Water.
I am not going to do the demonstration day by day here, but I have located a series of good videos produced by a good website (Northwest Sourdough). They have recorded the whole development of sourdough starter from Day 1 to Day 14. Videos include how to develop sourdough starter, how to observe and investigate the starter, how to prepare the bread with sourdough starter, how to fold the dough and shape the bread, how to proof the bread till it came out from the oven. It is very informational. I hope you would enjoy watching the videos like I do; in case you have any questions, please feel free to address to me, I would try my best to answer you as far as possible.
根據我做酸種酵母和麵包的經驗,合適的暖和溫度對培養酸種酵母好重要,而最佳溫度應該介乎22℃至28℃ 左右,尤其是在開首的幾天。在合適溫度下,酵母生長得更快,更穩定; 現在是差不多時候了,請先預備好培養酵母的所需用品:已消毒清潔的瓶罐和拌棒,白麵包粉,全麥麵包粉和黑粿麥麵粉,以及潔淨的水。
我不打算在這裡每天做示範,但卻找到了一個酸種麵包網站(Northwest Sourdough)
Make Your Own Sourdough Starter
Day 1 第一天
Day 2 第二天
Day 3 第三天
Day 4 第四天
Day 5 第五天
Day 6 第六天
Day 7 第七天
Day 8 第八天
Day 9 第九天
Day 10 第十天
Day 11 Test Starter 第十一天 測試酵母
Day 12 Test Loaf - PART 1 第十二天 成團測試
Test Loaf – Part 2 第十二天 烤包測試
Day 13 第十三天
Day 14 第十四天 用酸種酵母造包
Mixing dough (1) 搓粉
Folding and Shaping (2) 折疊麵糰和造型
Proofing the dough (3) 發酵
Let's Bake Bread! (4) 烤包
Finished Loaves 成品出爐
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