Fried Fluffy Eggs with Tomatoes . 番茄炒蛋
Fried Fluffy Eggs with Tomatoes . 番茄炒蛋
I always believe simple dishes could always be as delicious as the fancy cuisine if you know the right way to do it.
A friend talked to me the other day that she liked my dishes very much and was drooling every time when she looked at my blog photos, she just did not know if she could do it since she seldom cooked. She asked me to share some easy recipes here, so she can learn
cooking from scratch. No problem, l
cooked a simple dish today as per her request, using the two main ingredients
that she loves: tomatoes and eggs.
Fried eggs with tomatoes, is a simple dish, and many people cook it in different ways. Today I am going to show you the tricks on how to make the eggs more fluffy and taste better.
有天朋友說,你做的菜都好美,看見相片都想吃,但不知道她自己能否做到? 她很想從零開始,從簡易菜餚學起,而第一樣她最想煮好的是 "番茄炒蛋",因為她愛吃番茄和蛋。這當然沒問題,今天就煮這個菜吧!
Fried Fluffy Eggs with Tomatoes
Tomato medium-sized, 3 pc
Garlic clove chopped, 1 pc
Salt 1/4 tsp
Garlic clove chopped, 1 pc
Salt 1/4 tsp
1 tbsp.
Sauce 1/2 tbsp
large-size, 3 pc
Vinegar 1/2 tsp
Onion, chopped, 1 stalk
Tapioca 1 tsp
Water 2 tbsp
Seasoning for eggs:
Oil 2 tsp
Salt 1/8 tsp
Sugar 1/8 tsp
1. Clean the tomatoes, make
a cross at the bottom of each tomato, put them all inside a pot of boiling
water, soak for half a minute, take it out and put into an icy water bath till cool,
then skin the tomatoes and cut them into 8 wedges.
2. Beat the eggs slightly,
add in a little salt, sugar and oil, and mix well.
3. Heat up a wok, add in
oil, fry the tomatoes together with garlic till a bit soft, add salt, sugar and
light sauce, mix well and dish up.
4. Heat up a clean wok till
hot, add in 1 tbsp of oil, pour beaten eggs in, pull the cooked egg edges towards the center quickly when
seeing bubbles along the edges, then drizzle in rice vinegar;add in tomatoes
immediately, mix well with eggs and dish up. Garnish with chopped spring onion.
1. Hot wok for frying fluffy eggs is a must, and adding oil in the beaten eggs will make the eggs even more fluffier. And of course, you need to act fast as well.
2. Drizzle rice vinegar onto the fried eggs enhances egg
3. Skinned tomatoes are easy
to get cooked and seem melting in your mouth with fluffy fried eggs
4. Lycopene is fat-soluble. Cooking and crushing tomatoes as well as serving in oil-rich dishes greatly increases assimilation from the digestive tract into the bloodstream
4. 茄紅素溶於油, 而且緊密地結合在植物纖維裡, 所以打碎或用油烹煮過的蕃茄,可提高消化系統吸收茄紅素的能力。
鹽 1/4 tsp
糖 1 tbsp
1/2 tbsp
雞蛋, 中
米醋 1/2 tsp
生粉 1 tsp
水 2 tbsp
2 tsp
鹽 1/8 tsp
糖 1/4 tsp
1. 洗淨番茄,在每個番茄底部割一個十字,放沸水中浸泡半分鐘,取出,放入冰水中待涼,之後一開八
2. 輕手打勻蛋,加鹽,糖和油,混好;同時間開好獻汁。
3. 熱鍋,加油,將番茄與蒜瓣炒軟,加鹽,糖和生抽調味,取出
4. 加熱另一炒鍋至大熱,加入1湯匙油,倒入雞蛋,見邊起氣泡快手推炒幾下,灑入米醋, 加入番茄,炒勻,埋獻,拌勻上碟。灑上蔥花。
1. 炒鬆蛋要鍋熱、手快、蛋漿加入油
2. 米醋可提升雞蛋香味
3. 去皮番茄更易熟,煮軟後和蛋一樣鬆軟4. 茄紅素溶於油, 而且緊密地結合在植物纖維裡, 所以打碎或用油烹煮過的蕃茄,可提高消化系統吸收茄紅素的能力。
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